You are eligible for refund in the following cases:

  1. Product is lost during shipping (if it is sent by courier)
  2. Product is not delivered even after 2 working days from actual delivery date selected during checkout
  3. Product not in stock, out of boundary, cannot be delivered or shipped due to any other reasons
  4. Product is damaged when you receive the parcel
  5. No Refund for reasons other than damaged container or quality issues reported within 24 hours of delivery

If you have any other reasons to ask for refund, please call us, we would be happy to clarify you. Just making money is not our intention, we wish to keep you happy & delighted!

You are NOT eligible for refund in the following cases:

  1. Shipment was returned due to incorrect address or availability of the customer / buyer. However customer can pick this up from our office within 7 days from the date of order. Any claims made after 7 days will not be entertained and the customer is not eligible for refund of money.
  2. Customer refused to accept for reasons other than damage.
  3. Quality issues reported after 3 days of delivery.


Delivery within UAE cities shall be in 1 – 2 working days and from 4 to 10 working Days to Other Countries. UAE Delivery Fees will be a Flat Rate of AED: 10 and Delivery Fees outside UAE will be mentioned on the checkout page depending on the country and location. Avoid any delivery delay by providing your full address along with your contact details.


Our Creations of Perfume and Oils are Impressions and Versions of famous brand fragrances and not associated in any way with the designer brands or manufacturers mentioned on it. Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers. Designer/Brand Name is solely used for comparison purposes to give customers an idea of fragrance character and scent accords.